Bare Gravel
Killing all vegetation and preventing it from growing back, usually for a period of six months or more. Many bare ground herbicides can be used at lower concentrations and will act as selective herbicides killing certain weeds but not others. At higher concentrations they will kill all vegetation and prevent its regrowth. Bare ground herbicides are very desirable for use along fence lines, gravel drives, right of ways, parking lots, and anywhere else you don't want vegetation to grow.
Brush Control
The conservation practice used for the management of invasive or increaser woody plants to restore and maintain Grasslands. In Grassland Restoration we are trying to restore the natural range of variability to plant communities on a large scale.
Utility Turf
Persistent and sufficiently rooted for soil stabilization. Examples of utility turf include highway roadsides, borders for airport runways and other areas where dust and erosion control are of primary concern.
Aquatic Management
A common problem in most small ponds and lakes. If not properly controlled, lakes can become overgrown with aquatic vegetation. These control measures consist of mechanical, chemical, and biological methods.
Invasive Vegetation
A non-native species (an introduced species) that spreads from a point of introduction to become naturalized and negatively alters its new environment. Although their spread can have beneficial aspects, invasive species adversely affect the invaded habitats and bioregions, causing ecological, environmental, and/or economic damage.
Right of Ways
A common law or statutory right granted to a vehicle, as an airplane or boat, to proceed ahead of another. a path or route that may lawfully be used. Roads, utility lines, railroad corridors, and other types of rights-of-way (ROWs) are treated with herbicides to control the growth of unwanted plants.